
It is our intent to offer a diverse Personal, Social, Health and Economics curriculum at Sandbach Primary Academy, which aims to inspire our children to become curious, open—minded and confident individuals. Our curriculum provides our pupils with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. We want them to develop resilience, build their self-efficacy and set goals for themselves which they can achieve and feel proud of. Our curriculum inspires our children to become inquisitive, critical thinkers and this is achieved through an enquiry-based approach. In addition, our curriculum is designed to be progressive and cohesive throughout the school, ensuring that children continuously build upon their prior knowledge and bridge back to what they already know to help them to know more and remember more

Through a holistic approach to self-awareness, children will learn how to recognise and express a range of emotions linked to various experiences and situations. They will know how to manage these emotions and learn about the importance of mental wellbeing, in the same way as physical health, diet, sleep and exercise. Moreover, they will learn about the importance of self-respect and how this links to their own happiness and wellbeing.

As pupils progress through each year, they will have the opportunity to explore the diversities in today’s society, beginning with the school context and then exploring social and cultural differences in the wider environment. This will encourage our pupils to recognise and value differences in people and places, challenge stereotypes and respect others’ feelings and opinions.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) forms an integral part of our PSHE curriculum to encourage children to develop healthy relationships, both online and face-to-face, and feel empowered to speak out if they are concerned about their own or others’ safety. They will understand the concept of privacy; recognise that each person’s body belongs to them, and the differences between appropriate, inappropriate or unsafe contact. During their time at Sandbach Primary Academy, they will develop a clear understanding of the different types of bullying and abuse and know how to report concerns, having the vocabulary and confidence needed to do so.

Through understanding more about the wider world, we aim to inform our pupils about their responsibility to take care of the environment and learn how to manage money effectively, including a basic understanding of business and enterprise. They will learn about their rights and responsibilities as members of families and as wider citizens, including the importance of human rights (and the Rights of the Child). Through the many school and charity events, they will learn what it means to be part of a community and the value of volunteering and contributions to society. The children will understand more about the rules and laws to keep people safe and discuss and debate topical issues such as Fairtrade and diversity.

The lessons at Sandbach Primary Academy are taught through creative and practical sessions which provide opportunities to bridge back and activate prior learning, open the platform for debate and discussion and develop children’s vocabulary and confidence to share their thoughts, feelings or concerns in a safe environment. PSHE also forms an important part of school assemblies and collective worship where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.

By the time our children leave Sandbach Primary Academy, we want them to have developed a range of skills and strategies to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.  


Our curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils:

  • Develop respectful relationships and value differences.
  • Understand how to keep themselves safe, the concept of privacy and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate contact.
  • Understand the rules and principles for keeping safe online and how to recognise harmful content.
  • Learn about different types of bullying, abuse and stereotypes, how to recognise these and where to go for help.
  • Embed the characteristics of effective friendships including mutual respect, truthfulness, trustworthiness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, trust, sharing interests and experiences and support with problems and difficulties.
  • Celebrate diversity in terms of different types of families; different race, religion or beliefs; differences in gender and disability.
  • Develop self-care techniques, including the importance of sleep, exercise, diet, good dental care, hobbies and interests.
  • Understand the concept of first aid and how to make a call to the emergency services.
  • Develop resilience and the ability to manage transitions; change, loss and grief.
  • Have the vocabulary to be able to express their feelings and develop strategies for positive mental health.
  • Understand responsible decision making, with regards to the environment and society, and to live effectively in the wider world.

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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922