My Happy Mind
This academic year we welcome myHappymind to our school. MyHappyMind is an award-winning program for schools and families. It teaches preventative habits that support positive mental health, resilience and self-esteem.
All of the concepts taught are based on science and research and grounded in neuroscience and positive psychology.
Our program is delivered via an innovative technology platform making learning easy, convenient and fun.
The myHappymind curriculum is grounded in scientific research and helps children to:
- Feel happier
- Know what to do when they feel worried or stressed
- Improve their focus and learn more
- Achieve more of the goals that they set for themselves
- Develop better relationships with friends and families
- Feel great about who they are and have positive self esteem
To further embed this learning and ensure that you are able to engage in these topics with your child, myHappymind has developed a set of resources for parents. These resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The resources allow children to continue to practise some of the habits they have developed at school, such as happy breathing, for you to learn more about what they are learning in the program. Also included are activities for you to do together at home, to complement the in-school lessons.
To learn more about the myHappymind for Schools programme visit their website here -