Year 5 and 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Gallagher

Mrs Caldwell

Principal of Sandbach Primary Academy

Welcome to Year 5 and 6


Hello, and a warm welcome to Year 5 and 6! Mrs Caldwell will be the class teacher on a Monday and Tuesday, with Mrs Gallagher taking over Wednesday to Friday. Miss Wakefield will continue to support in class during the mornings, Monday to Friday. For an update on what we have been doing this week, please visit our 'This week in the classroom' tab. 


General information to know about Years 5 and 6:

- Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly named. This will ensure that if anything goes missing, it can be quickly reunited with its owner.

-  P.E is on Mondays so please ensure that your child comes into school in their PE kit on this day. In the summer term, the children will swim on a Tuesday and will need to bring their swimming kits (children can wear their PE kits on this day). 

- Please ensure that your children are reading at home, either independently or with an adult, to help develop their reading skills and nurture their love of reading. Over the last few years, the school has invested a great deal of money in new book band reading books as well as reading for pleasure texts. We have encouraged all children to take great care of these and make sure they return to school in the condition that they left. All books are signed out to children under a library system and they will be expected to return their current book before they are allowed to take another. This system was in place for the Year 6s at the end of last year and they did a fantastic job with returning and taking care of the books. I am sure that our Year 5s will be the same!

- Homework will go out on a Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. There will be weekly spellings (tested on a Friday) alongside another piece of homework which will be related to work completed in English or maths.

- Children need to bring their own water bottles into school which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please do not allow other drinks such as juice, fizzy drinks etc. If children bring juices, smoothies etc. they should be kept only for lunch.

- Snack will be served in the hall at break times. Children will be responsible for this money and are advised to bring it to school in a clearly labelled purse or wallet.

- As children enter Year 5 and 6, many parents wish for their children to walk home alone or with friends. If this is the case, please send a letter into school giving your permission for this. The teachers have a list of the children with letters of consent, and these are the only children who will be permitted to leave the school grounds without an adult.


Summer Term Curriculum


At the start of the summer term, we will be learning about the Maya Civilisation, focusing on aspects such as society, gods, religion, daily life and achievements. We will also make comparisons between the Maya Civilisation and the Anglo-Saxons. 



This term we will take an in-depth look at the world's biomes. We will learn the names and locations of the six major biomes, and find out more about their features. We will consolidate our understanding of longitude and latitude when describing locations. We will also find out about the threats faced by each of the major biomes, and the impact of these treats. 



In art this term we will look at architecture. We will be sketching, measuring and designing buildings for a specific purpose. We will also draw plan views, annotating key features. As part of our unit we will also discuss the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Our unit will finish with the designing of a monument that symbolises a person or event. 



Music lessons will continue to be taught by teachers from the Love Music Trust. Children with returned forms will continue  to take their  instrument home to practise. This is optional, and the children are responsible for making sure their instrument is in school every Thursday for their music lesson.



In RE we will be thinking about religious freedom. The children will be using historical and modern-day examples of people, such as Guy Fawkes, who have fought for their beliefs. They will use debate and critical analysis activities to discuss different areas. 



This term, we will continue teaching French through the digital language programme, Languagenut. Lessons are designed to follow the National Curriculum objectives for KS2 and ensure clear progress in language development. The children will build on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and they will practise forming full sentences and sentence chunks. In the first half term, the children will be learning the names of other countries that speak French. We will learn how to use 'se situer' to ay where a country is and know how to pronounce the sounds É and È. The children will also learn how to use “il y a” to describe the landscape of a country/continent. In the second half term, wse will revise colours, and use these to describe a country's flag. We will learn facts about a country in French and will be able to make sentences describing different countries and continents. 



In science this term, the children will be broadening their knowledge of how vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and micro-organisms are grouped using shared characteristics. They will discover how Carl Linnaeus developed the Linnaean and binomial systems for classifying and naming living things. The children will also use and produce branching and number classification keys to sort and identify organisms.



In our PHSE lessons, we will be learning about relationships. Tey will learn about different kinds of relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships and things such as peer pressure. We will think about ways to keep ourselves and others safe in different situations. We will also be continuing our ‘My Happy Mind’ learning where we will be learning all about the human brain, mental well-being and how to develop positive mental well-being – this is a whole school initiative and every class will be taking part in this programme.



In the summer term, the children witll be doing athletics, as well as swimming. 



In the summer term, we will be programming. 




Year 5 and 6: News items

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Year 5 and 6: Calendar items

Return to school, by Mrs White

Robinwood Trip, by Mrs White

Robinwood Trip, by Mrs White

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922