Reception 2023 - 2024

Ms Marshall-Clarke

Welcome to Reception

Hello and welcome to our Sandbach Primary Academy Reception class page. Ms Marshall-Clarke is the reception class teacher. This term, we will be supported by Miss Shatwell, Miss Philips and Ms Vick. Mrs Whiteway will also be supporting Reception in the morning for Phonics. For an update each week, please see the 'This week in the classroom' tab above. 

General Information about Reception

  • Drop off and pick up - your child will enter through the Reception class door on their own. We kindly ask adults not to come through the classroom doors. At home time, Ms Marshall-Clarke will dismiss children one at a time to their parent or carer. If there is a change to which adult will be collecting your child, you must inform the school office.
  • Reading Together - Reading is a cornerstone of learning. We celebrate children who read at home at least 4 times per week. Don't forget to record these moments in the reading log provided. Reading together is a small step that makes a big difference! 
  • Reading books - your child will come home on a Monday with a 'Reading for Pleasure' book to share together at home. This is book for you to read and share with your child at those special times. They will also bring home a decodable 'Big Cat' reading book. This book will match the graphemes and tricky words that we have learnt in group reading and phonics. 
  • PE  - Every Monday with our sports coach, children should come to school in their PE kit on that day.
  • Stay hydrated - Remember to send your child with a refillable water bottle everyday - please only fill these bottles with water.
  • Snack - All children will receive free snack each day - fresh fruit, milk and water. In addition, children can purchase school hot snack for 20p - 30p per day. Please click here for more information relating to our healthy snack policy.
    Money can be sent into school termly, weekly or daily however it is easier to send this in termly or weekly and we will inform you when your child's balance becomes low. A gluten free option is available.

Summer 2 Curriculum

Communication and Language
We will read bookls that extend our knowldege of the world, for example, past and present, people around the world. We will begin to follow a story without pictures or prompts.

Personal, social and emotional development
We will learn about winning and loosing in preparation for and as part of Sports Day. We will reflect on how far we have come. Our adults will highlight kind and considerate behaviour.

Physical development.
In PE we will be experiencing striking and fielding, negotiating spaces successfully when playign chasing games and adjusting speed or chanign direction to avoid obstacles. We will develop our control over objects pushing, patting, throwing, catching and kicking them.


We will continue with Phase 4 Little Wandle phonics lessons, further embedding our of knowledge Phase 3 sounds, applying it to short and long vowel graphemes with adjacent constonants. we will learn more tricky words (said, so, have like, some, come, love, do, were, here, little, says, there ,when, what, one, out, today) and new suffixes (-ed/t, -ed/-id/-ed, ed/d/-er, -est).

We will be writing sentences containing taught sounds and developing our oral story telling skills. We will be inspired by Somebody Ate Stanley and Splash to write lists and captions, messages, create fact files and much more.









We will be learning about numbers within 10, comparing numbers, couting backwards and forwards and subitising. We will also be counting beyond 20 and learning to estimate. We will apply number, shape and measures knowledge to rotate and mainpulate shapes.

Understanding the world
We will learn refelct on the different places we have learnt about. Study the seaside as a contrasting environment to our school grounds and compare teh seaside in the past with the present. Explore floating and sinking. Learn about marine life and compare it to land animals. Continue to draw maps o fthe things we have learnt, the places we go and the places we imagine. Learn about pirates as a link to the past. Continue to notice and talk about changes in the weather.

Expressive arts and design
We will create puppets for a purpose, exploring colour mixing with sealife themes inspired by Harold Cohen. We will play simple patterns and repeat simple patterns on untuned instruments. We will listen to different pieces of music and express our preferences.


Reception: News items

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Reception: Calendar items

Return to school, by Mrs White

Flu Nasal Spray (FLUENZ), by Mrs White

Sports day 2025, by Mrs White

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922