Year 3 and 4 2024 - 2025
Miss McCann
Welcome to Year 3 and 4
Hello, and welcome to our Year 3 and 4 class page!
We hope you all had a wonderful summer and are excited to be starting a new school year!
Take a look at our 'This week in the classroom' tab for what we have been learning about each week.
General information about Years 3 and 4:
- Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly named.
- P.E lessons will be on Monday and Friday. On those days, children should come to school in their PE kit.
- Children will have a banded reading book and a 'reading for pleasure' book. Children should try to read for 5 minutes each day and record this in their reading log.
- All books are signed out to children under a library system and they will be expected to return their current book before they are allowed to take another.
- Homework will be set on a Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.
- Spellings will be tested every Friday.
- Children need to bring their own water bottles into school. Please only send your child in with water. Other drinks such as juice, smoothies etc should be kept only for lunch.
- Snack will be served in the hall at break times. Children should bring their snack money in a labelled purse or wallet.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Toast 20p | Toast 20p | Toast 20p | Toast 20p | Toast 20p |
Milk Roll 25p | Croissant 30p | Waffles 30p | Crumpets 30p | Pancakes 20p |
During the first half term, we will be working on addition and subtraction strategies using number facts (doubles, near doubles, number bonds) to help. We will also be using number lines, measuring lengths and adding and subtracting multiples of 10. Next week, we will be starting on online programme called TT Rockstars to help build your child’s fluency in their times tables knowledge.
In writing, your children will be using the Stone Age Boy book to write their own story in a historical setting. We will look at including lots of description, adverbials and will be learning how to punctuate speech correctly. In reading, we will be focusing on The Pebble in my Pocket and The Secrets of Stonehenge.
PE days are Mondays and Fridays. On these days, please ensure you child comes to school wearing their PE kit. PE on Mondays will be with our sports coach for Tag Rugby. PE on Fridays will be with myself for Fitness.
Our Science topic this half term is Rocks and Soils during which children will learn about how to group different rocks and soils and how fossils are formed.
Our History topic is The Stone Age which will give the children opportunities to learn about the earliest humans in Britain and what life was like in the Stone Age.
Our Music topic also links to the Stone Age and includes reading and writing rhythmic notation and singing.
In Computing, we will be learning about online safety and using and creating branching databases.
In French, we will be learning numbers, phonics, days of the week and time.
In PSHE, we are looking at how our choices make a difference to others around us and to our world.