This week in the classroom...

11th July 2024
Year 3 and 4 have had a wonderful week of learning.
In writing, children completed their innovated story of King Midas. They are now using the story and preparing to write a diary entry from the perspective of King Midas. In reading, we have continued to read and explore other Greek myths, including Arachne the Spinner. Children have answered retrieval and inference questions about them.
In maths, we are working on additive reasoning - using addition and subtraction along with our reasoning skills to solve problems. Children have used a variety of methods to solve different problems, presented in different ways.
In computing, children continued using a software program called Logo to program a 'turtle' to create programming loops. In French, children continued their project titled 'All About Me' using their vocabulary so far, before practising their knowledge using Languagenut. In PE, we practised all cricket skills in small groups. During RE, we considered how fire is used in religion.  During PSHE, children learned about goals and set their own 'SMART' goals to work towards. In geography, we considered the reasons why rivers are so important.
It was a super week of learning!
4th July 2024
Year 3 and 4 have had a great week of learning and fun.
In writing, children have read and learned the Greek myth of King Midas. This week, children made further innovations and changes to the story and have been writing their final version. In reading, we have continued to read and explore other Greek myths, including The Wooden Horse. Children have answered retrieval and inference questions about them.
In maths, we have continued learning about fractions; we are now adding and subtracting fractions. Year 4 are learning about fractions where there is more than one whole.
In computing, children continued using a software program called Logo to program a 'turtle' to create programming loops. In French, children started a new project titled 'All About Me' using their vocabulary so far, before testing their knowledge using Languagenut. In PE, children focused on cricket mini games, using all the skills they have learned so far. During RE, we considered why water is precious and seen as pure. In science, children learned about volume of sounds and drew graphs from decibel data of everyday sounds. During PSHE, children worked on their My Happy Mind journals. In geography, we learned more about the features of rivers and how they are formed. 
It was a great week of learning!

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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922