This week in the classroom


Another busy week in Year 5/6! After some fantastic pieces of writing last week, we have moved onto balanced arguments. The children have done an excellent job at identifying grammatical features and next week we will start drafting. In maths, the Y5 children have continued their work on negative numbers while the Y6 children have focused on 2D and 3D shapes. In history, we learned about the beliefs of the Ancient Maya and in computing, we programmed our Micro:bits to show emotions. In art, the children learned about artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser and in French, we learned how to describe the landscapes in different countries. As always, the children have worked very hard. Well done Year 5/6!



We have had a wonderful week in Year 5/6. We have continued on with our book, A Story Like the Wind, and the children are enjoying finding out more about our characters. Our reading has also led to some fabulous pieces of writing. The children have worked very hard and come up with some wonderful ideas. It is lovely to see what pride they take in their writing. In maths, we have continued our work on angles, looking at identifying missing angles in triangles and diagrams. The children have done an excellent job with this, remembering all their key facts. The Y5 children have also started learning about negative numbers while the Y6s have reviewed coordinates. In history, we learned about Ancient Maya society, and what the different roles in society entailed. We had some interesting conversations about where in Maya society we think we would have been most happy. In French, we looked at the different sounds that E can make and completed assignments on Languagenut related to this. In art, we continued our Architecture unit by designing our own building! As always, Year 5/6 have approached each and every task with enthusiasm. Well done Year 5/6!








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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922