This week in the classroom...

Week beginning 29th April 2024

Another busy week of learning and exploring has flown by!

National Trust: Look What I Found in the Woods - Nosy Crow

We have continued with our non-fiction book, Look What I Found, and the children are enjoying learning new woodland facts alongside it. Did you know the world’s largest pinecone was 58cm? In English, we have all created a s-plan to map out our woodland walk. Using a variety of sentence starters and our plans, the children have written their own recounts, focusing carefully on using tall capital letters.


In Maths, Year 1 have used their knowledge of number facts within 10 to support addition and subtraction within 20 (Eg. 2 + 3 = 5 so 12 + 3 = 15, 5 – 3 = 2 so 15 – 3 = 12). Year 2 have been looking for patterns within division, noticing what happens when we divide by 0 or when the divisor is equal to the dividend (Eg. 5÷5).  We have also used counters to practice sharing into groups to help prove our answers. 


The children started their week off with a fun athletics lesson with the PE coach on Monday. In History, we continued to research what Christopher Columbus’ journey would have been like across the Atlantic Ocean. In Science, we compared garden flowers and wildflowers, thinking which ones we might see at home, in the school field and at the park. In PSHE, we used role play scenarios to act out how different members of our community can help us, such as the police.


Week beginning 22nd April 2024

Year 1 and 2 have been so enthusiastic to learn this week and have shown great curiosity. It has been wonderful!



In English and Reading, we have continued to unpick non-fiction books that follow the theme of nature. Using these books, the children have all had a go at incorporating conjunctions to add detail and exclamation marks to add excitement. We especially loved exploring the school woodland at the bottom of the field and making our own tree rubbings there. The school woodland is looking great thanks to Mr Bates's hard work! We are looking forward to using this space more now that we head into a hopefully sunny summer term. This will be our inspiration for next week’s recount writing.


In Maths, Year 1 have been adding single-digit numbers to 10, looking at doubles and part whole models. Year 2 have been using times tables facts to find the quotient, linking multiplication with division.


Paintings Of Christopher Columbus – Warehouse of Ideas

In History, we have continued to learn about Christopher Columbus and what sea travel would have been like in 1492. We compared stories, old illustrations and photographs. Most of the class decided they would not like to travel by ship in 1492 because of the crowded conditions, fear of sea monsters and horrible food. In Geography, the class used atlases to find the UK’s four capital cities and locate these on a map. In Science, the class looked at the different parts and roles of flowering plants. There were a few surprised faces when we found out that a plant’s leaf can make food using sunlight. In PSHE, we discussed who can help us when we’re in different places and important roles within our community. During RE, we looked at some Hindu Deities including Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva and Krishna. We have also started athletics in PE.



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Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922