Year 1 and 2 2023 - 2024

Miss Harvey

Welcome to Year 1 and 2

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Hello and welcome to our Sandbach Primary Academy Year 1 and 2 class page. Miss Harvey is the Year 1 and 2 class teacher. This term, we will be supported by Miss Shields and Miss Wakefield. Miss Holdbrook will also be supporting Year 1 in the morning for Phonics. For an update each week, please see the 'This week in the classroom' tab above. 

General Information to know about Year 1 and 2:

  • Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly named. This will ensure that if anything goes missing, it can be quickly reunited with its owner. 
  • PE will be every Monday and Friday so please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on these days.
  • Homework will be sent out on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday. Their homework will contain 5 spellings which they can practice throughout the week.
  • Please ensure your child has suitable footwear in school. 
  • Children need to bring their own water bottles into school which they can access throughout the day and refill when needed. Please do not allow other drinks such as juice, fizzy drinks etc. If children bring juices, smoothies etc. they should be kept only for lunch. 
  • Children will need to bring their snack money in a purse/wallet that they will hand to one of the adults in the classroom and kept safe in our snack box. Children without a purse or wallet will be given a named cup to keep their money in which will be kept at school. 
  • Please read with your child at home as often as possible, this is a great time to bond with your child and create a love for reading.
  • All home reading books are signed out to children under a library system and they will be expected to return their current book before they are allowed to take another.
  • All children will receive free snack each day. This will consist of fresh fruit. In addition, children can purchase school hot snack which is priced at 20p - 30p per day. Please click here for more information relating to our healthy snack policy. Money can be sent into school termly, weekly or daily however it is easier to send this in termly or weekly and we will inform you when your child's balance becomes low. A gluten free option is available. 


Summer Term Overview

English Look what i found in the woods book cover.png

In English, Year 1 and 2 will be reading Look What I Found in the Woods by Moira Butterfield. Our linked texts will include The Secret Life of Trees, Look What I Found at the Seaside, The Lost Words and A Seed is Sleepy. We will use these brilliant stories as inspiration to write a recount of a real event and an informative text about the woods.



In Maths, during the Summer term, Year 1 will be recapping numbers 0 to 20 alongside learning about coin recognition, 2D and 3D shapes and time. Year 2 will develop their understanding of doubling and halving before moving onto money, shape, time and sense of measure.


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In Science, our summer focus will be on plants. This includes an introduction to plants covering plant identification and labelling, the role of flowering plants and sorting seeds and bulbs. Following this the children will then broaden their knowledge of plants by exploring plant growth. This includes recalling that seeds need water and warmth to germinate, sequencing a plant’s life cycle and knowing the influence humans have on plants. We will be working scientifically by making predictions, gathering information, measuring, drawing and labelling simple diagrams in addition to recording and comparing results. Year 2 will be encouraged to consider whether a test is fair or not and the impact this might have on their results.



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In Geography, we will look at what the equator is and how hot countries are found close to it. The children will also know that cold countries are far away from the equator and are close to the North and South Poles. This will go alongside work on the UK’s four seasons and seasonal weather. To support this learning, we will be using atlases, maps, videos and images.


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In History, we will be focusing on how exploration has changed over time. Within this unit the children will learn about significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements. This includes Christopher Columbus’s 1492 voyage and the discovery of the Americas as well as a comparison between Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.


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In Art, Year 1 and 2 will be drawing, showing control when mark marking and experimenting with a range of mark making techniques and drawing tools. They will also be using their observational skills to produce a drawing that displays a range of lines, shapes and mark making techniques. 



In PSHE, we will focus on who helps to keep us safe and how to respond safely to adults they do not know. We will also address what to do if they feel unsafe or worried for themselves or others as well as to know how to get help if there is an accident and someone is hurt. After this, the children will think about their greatest achievements from this year. This focuses on celebrating  what they are good at, thinking what they are learning to do better and what goals they can set.  



Each week, the children will have two PE lessons, one with the sports coach on Monday and the second with Miss Harvey on Friday. During this time, the children will have a go at athletics, invasion games and striking and fielding. The invasion games will allow them to explore attack and defence skills as part of a team. The athletics lessons will help the children to know how to change direction and speed whilst running, jump accurately and throw with control and coordination. Within the striking and fielding lessons, the children will move around a confined area, stop a ball and return it accurately as well as be able to hold an implement correctly and strike a stationary ball off a tee.

Year 1 and 2: News items

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Year 1 and 2: Blog items

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Year 1 and 2: Gallery items

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Year 1 and 2: Calendar items

Return to school, by Mrs White

Delamere Trip Year 2, by Mrs White

Delamere Trip Year 2, by Mrs White

Contact us..

Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NS
01270 918922